cheerful-young-curly-lady-inviting-people-to-enter-2022-01-11-15-24-48-utc Our Center

We are a non-profit organization, committed to life affirming support through education and services.  

KATIE’S HOUSE is a 501(c) (3) organization that is classified as a public charity.  Contributions are tax deductible. Contributions that total at least $200 in a year are eligible for a direct 70% Pregnancy Resource Center Tax credit.

Our Mission

Saving Lives, Strengthening Families, Supporting those in Need.

Our Goals

To be a lifeline for women and men experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and an advocate for their unborn child.

Our History

Katie’s House began because of a miracle Katherine Miles and her husband Bill experienced.

Here is their story…

Their daughter-in-law became pregnant and when she went to the doctor, the doctor said the baby was not thriving, getting the proper oxygen or iron, nor growing and he suggested she abort her child. When Katherine heard the news, her and her daughter-in-law decided to pray. Katherine laid her hand on her womb and began to pray. As she prayed, she felt a heat go into her belly.  Not sharing with her daughter-in-law what she felt she decided to ask her, “Did you feel anything?” Her reply was “Yes, I felt heat go into my belly.” 

A couple of days later she was seeking the Lord again for the baby and she heard the Lord say to her the name Josiah.  So in her mind, she thought the Lord was telling her the baby was a boy and they would name him Josiah. This was a perfect name, as her son’s name is Joseph and he had already named a couple of his babies after him.  They have Carly Jo and Josie, so Josiah would fit!  However, as quickly she thought that she felt not to assume this so she decided to look up the meaning of the name Josiah… it meant Jehovah Healed! 

She immediately called her son and told him, “I know God healed the baby!”  When their daughter-in-law returned to the doctor, the doctor shared the baby was getting oxygen and iron and was growing. She carried the baby full term. 

When it came time for the baby to be born…they had a healthy 7 lb 13 oz little… girl!  And they named her Katie!

A couple of years later, Katherine and her husband were seeking the Lord for direction when she heard the Lord ask her, “WILL YOU ESTABLISH A PREGNANCY CENTER in honor of what I did for Katie?”  They answered and said, “Yes.” 

In May 23, 2022, Katie’s House was established and opened in El Dorado Springs, MO and then on September 6, 2022 a second location was opened in Lamar, MO. 

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.